Saturday, June 27, 2009


Here's one for all of those 'not really crafty' moms, (like myself), who prefer crafts that are quick, easy, require very few supplies, and have the lowest possible mess making potential....

A spider hat!

And here's how it's done:

Cut out two thick strips of black paper to fit around your child's head and tape them together.

Cut out 8 thin strips of black construction paper and fold each strip in half. Tape the ends of the strips to the inside of the head band (to be the legs). Add eyes and..... DONE!

Turn on some funky music and have your child jump up and down to make the spider's legs dance.

And by the way...if you've been on the search for some great dance music, allow me to share my newly acquired pearls of wisdom on this subject.
Here it is in 3 words: Shark Tale Soundtrack.

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