Cut out 33 little squares of paper.
Organize the squares into piles of 3 (you should have 11 piles)
On the back of each one write a number from 2-12, so all of the cards in one pile should be labeled #2, the next pile of cards should be labeled with #3's, etc.
On the other side of the paper, write a question, or a task.
For instance:
Jump up and down 8 times.
Tell me the names of 3 States that you've been to.
What kind of things do you find on the beach?
Tell me what you'd wish for if you had 3 wishes
Tell me how to make your favorite kind of sandwhich.
How many vowels are there?
How many syllables does the word 'Thanksgiving' have?
What is your telephone #?
Find 4 things in this room that begin with the letter S.
Fill the cards with any question/command that you can think of.
Place the squares of paper on the floor with the words facing down and the numbers facing up.
To begin:
Have your child roll 2 dice, then count the total number of dots on the dice. Tell them to pick up a piece of paper with the number that corresponds with the number they counted on the dice, and bring it to you. Read the question/command out loud and have them follow what the paper says.
If they roll a particular number more than 3 times, have them roll again until they get a different number.
This provides a good opportunity to ask review questions about whatever topic you may have taught them about recently, as well as a great way to encourage the use of their imaginations......all while getting some great counting practice