Have each child come up with two carnival games and create a sign to draw people to them. Allow them to choose what they would like to give out for prizes.
My girls chose to give Stuffed animals, coins, and easter candy.
Here are a few of the games they came up with:
Block Bowling:
Set up a couple of block towers. If they knock down one of the towers with the bowling ball, they get a prize!
Hanger Toss: Stand behind a designated line and try to toss the hangers over the water bottles. If you get one hanger on the bottle you get a small prize. If you get all 4 around the bottles you get a big prize.
Relay race. We had to run around the room 2 times and say a chant to get the prize.
And what's a carnival without food?
Choose a favorite food that you might find at a carnival and let your children help prepare it.
We thought caramel apples would be fun (is that a carnival food? I don't even know)
but we didn't have any caramel. So we melted some butterscotch chips with some milk and dipped our apples in it.
It was incredibly rich and delicious... but unfortunately made one sweet little girl have a tummy ache :(
Popcorn....homemade donuts....nachos....hot dogs.. Ask for their input and have some fun with it.