Today's idea was inspired by my wonderful father in law... who, in addition to being wonderful is also charming, intelligent, strong and very distinguished (had to add that since I'm sure he checks this blog all the time)
On occasion, when my husband was young, his father would take each of his children aside for a one on one interview. It was a time where he could get an idea of their goals for the future and what was going on in their lives at the time. We loved this idea and have adopted it into our own family.
Every month or so, we announce to the girls that it's time for Daddy-Daughter interviews! He goes into a bedroom and sets it up with a couple of chairs to make it look official. He grabs a notebook and a pen and waits for them to come in.
My job is to be the secretary in the other room. They come to my desk where they 'check in' and are required to fill out some paper work,(name and age) and then I escort one of them to the room where Daddy is waiting. She closes the door behind her to keep things confidential of course :) and then the questioning begins.
(I admit sometimes I put my ear to the door to listen in)
The girls love this one on one time with their daddy...They sit and chat about their day and what they're up to while he's away at work. They tell about their friends and about the fights they had with their sister, and about what kind of things they'd like to do when they're bigger...
When each one is finished, they swing by the secretary's desk again where they make an appointment for their next interview in a month.
Try it! They'll love the attention and the official feel of the interview, and you will learn a lot about them in the process!