For this lesson you will need:
2 bowls
cheerios (marshmallows or other small food item will work too)
Counting item/Counting jar
A few stuffed Animals
A few ‘S’ items
Book: Please Be Safe: A penguin’s guide to playground safety by Cuyler Margery
Spray cleaner
Baggies (one for each child)
Bandaids (at least one for each child)
Candies (one for each child)
Q-tips (one for each child)
Antibacterial wipes (sample sized. One for each child)
Antibiotic ointment (sample sized. One for each child)
Cardstock or plain paper
Graham crackers
Peanut butter
Welcome Song: (To tune of Old MacDonald):
Welcome, welcome everyone
So glad that you are here.
Today we’re gonna have some fun
So let’s give out a cheer
Woo hoo!!
Clap clap clap clap
Slap(legs) slap slap slap
Clap clap clap let’s go! (when you shout “let’s go!”, do a group high five in the center)
Question of the Day: Can you think of any rules that your parents have given you to keep you safe?
Number of the Day ‘19’: Display the #19 on a white board or window.
Give each child a bowl and a spoon. Place a bowl full of cheerios (or marshmallows, shredded wheat etc) in front of them. Tell children you are going to test their speed counting skills. Using a stop watch or clock, time each child and see how fast they are able to spoon 19 cheerios into their bowl, while counting aloud. Congratulate each child on their super speedy counting!
Have children work together to count 19 of any designated item and place it in the counting jar. Remind them of the fun reward they will receive when the jar has been filled.
Letter of the Day ‘S’: Have an ‘S’ Show and Tell with stuffed animals. Line up a few stuffed animals next to where you will be sitting. Place an item that begins with the letter S in each of their laps (Sock, Sack, Sunglasses, Soap, and Salt for example)
Introduce the stuffed animals as special guests to preschool today. “Did you notice that each of our guests brought something special with them? They’re excited to show us what they brought.” Have each child take a turn picking one of the stuffed animals to show their item. When you hold the item up, have children say what it is. Put extra emphasis on the beginning letter S. When all items have been shown, ask what was special about all of the items they brought. (All begin with the letter S!!)
Thank the special guests for coming and invite them to stay for the remainder of preschool. :)
Demonstrate how the letter Ss is written and allow children to practice in their writing notebooks. Teach the ASL sign for the letter S, as well as the signs for Snake and Safe.
Introduction to Topic: Choose a room in the house (preferably the kitchen) to set up as a danger scene, filled with unsafe situations:
Put knives on the counter top
Place pans on the stove with the handles hanging over the edge
Place a hot pad on the burner (unlit burner, of course )
Light a candle
Place toys and other objects on the floor
Leave a wet spot on the floor
Leave a few cupboard doors open
Have children stand at the entrance of the designated room (with plenty of space between them and the danger zone) and one at a time, point out the things that look unsafe. Once all of the unsafe items have been identified, ask children what we should do to make the room a safe place to be. Have them watch you correct each situation, making the room safe again.
Explain that many things we do each day can be dangerous if we’re not careful. Use stuffed animals to act out various situations and ask children what they would do in each situation.
Hippo wants to cross the street to get to the ice cream truck. What should he do? (Get an adult to cross with him and be sure to look both ways!)
Tiger needs something that’s on top of the counter. It’s too high for him to reach. What should he do? (Ask an adult to help)
Puppy wants to ride his bike but doesn’t know where his helmet is. Should he ride his bike anyway?
Use more scenarios to address things such as staying away from outlets, matches and chemicals in their homes. Use props(cleaning spray and matches) to explain how each of these things could be very dangerous if played with.
Story: Please Be Safe: Penguin’s guide to playground safety By Cuyler Margery
Explain that another part of being safe is knowing who it’s ok to talk to. Explain that there are many very kind people in the world, but if we don’t know them, we should make sure it’s okay with our parents before we talk to them. Discuss the importance of always staying close by their parents (or the adult that is taking care of them at the time) when they go places.
Emphasize the importance of never taking anything (candy, toys etc) from anyone you don’t know well, and never going anywhere with someone, unless your mom and dad say it’s ok.
Activity/craft: Help children assemble and decorate their very own first aid kits. Be sure to explain what all the items in the kit are used for.
Q tips
2 Band-aids
Antibiotic ointment (sample size)
Piece of Candy (aka: happy pill)
Use a piece of cardstock to make a label: "Tommy's First Aid Kit" and have them use crayons and stickers to decorate it. On the back of the label, write down the child's name, parents' names, address, phone number and the emergency phone #:911
Place the label inside of the plastic baggie and help them to find a safe place for their kits so they will know where they are in case of an emergency.
Snack: Edible traffic lights. Explain the importance of traffic lights in keeping people safe when they are driving.
Hand each child 1 graham cracker split into 4 rectangles. Help them spread each rectangle with peanut butter and then place a green, yellow and red m&m on each one to resemble a traffic light.
They’ll never look at a traffic light the same again.
This snack idea was borrowed from Donna who posted it on
Thanks Donna!
Service: While munching on snack, have children think of ways that they can help others to be safe.
Next time when you’re at the grocery store, they can help find a shopping cart that has been left in the parking lot, and return it to it’s proper location (with your help of course)
If something has been left on the sidewalk that shouldn’t be there, they may pick it up and put it where it is supposed to go.
If someone else gets in the car and forgets to put on their seat belt, they may remind them.
Additional Activity: Lead children in a game of red light green light. Have them stand at the opposite side of the room as you. When your back is facing them, it is a 'green light,' which means they must walk toward you. When you turn around to face the children, it is a red light, which means they must stop immediately where they are. If you see any movement, the child must go back to the very start. The first person to touch you, is the winner, and becomes 'it'.
Good bye song: To the tune of “If You’re Happy and you Know it”
If you’ve learned a lot today, clap your hands (clap clap)
Here’s the letter of the day (sign the letter S), clap your hands (clap clap)
Oh, we’ve had a lot of fun,
Now our preschool time is done (tap index finger to wrist)
See you next time (wave) and we’ll do it all again! (Clap clap.)