For this lesson you will need:
Empty egg carton (one that held a dozen eggs)
soil or dirt in a bowl
seeds (any kind) with seed package (bought or homemade)
Bowl of water
Tablespoon and teaspoon
Word search page (see below)
Puppet (or stuffed animal)
Mary Poppins sound track (optional)
Items for puppet making (lunch sacks, socks or what's around the house)
Stuff for 'funny' basket...your choice
Jell-O (or other snack item)
Books: Little Miss Giggles by Roger Hargreaves , Don’t Laugh Joe! By Keiko Kasza
Welcome Song: (To tune of Old MacDonald):
Welcome, welcome everyone
So glad that you are here.
Today we’re gonna have some fun
So let’s give out a cheer
Woo hoo!!
Clap clap clap clap
Slap(legs) slap slap slap
Clap clap clap let’s go! (when you shout “let’s go!”, do a group high five in the center)
Question of the Day: What makes you happy? Allow each child to share their answer. Share your answer with the children as well.
Number of the Day: Use an empty dozen-sized egg carton for the following activity Tell children since it’s almost Spring, it’s time to plant some seeds! Explain that since it’s still too cold outside you will be planting them inside, until the plants get a little bigger and the sun starts to shine a little more often outside
Show a package of seeds (this could even be a homemade package containing apple seeds, sunflower seeds, or anything else that looks like a seed)
Read the back of the packaging where the following instructions have been placed:
“This package of super special seeds will grow into beautiful ________ plants if you follow these very important instructions:
1: Find an egg carton with 12 open spaces (display the egg carton and ask the children how many open spaces there are. Have them count to 12 aloud.)
2: You will need 12 spoons full of dirt or potting soil. Place 1 spoon full in each space in the egg carton. (Show children a bowl full of dirt or potting soil. Allow them to scoop the soil into each space of the egg carton while counting aloud to 12)
3: Count out 12 seeds. (Pour contents of seed packet onto the table and have them count to 12 aloud.)
4: Place each seed into the dirt and cover it up.
5: Pour 12 tsp of water over the seeds (1 tsp over each plant) (Present a bowl of water and a teaspoon and allow them to do the watering themselves while counting aloud)
6: Kiss your finger and touch each plant. This is the magic touch they need to grow big and strong.
7: Put your seeds next to the window and water them every other day!
Display the number 12 and explain that the word “Dozen” is also used to say the number 12. “When someone asks for a dozen eggs, it means they want 12 eggs. If I say I want a dozen donuts, how many do I want?” Pass the sticker basket around and tell them to choose 1 dozen stickers to put on the sticker chart.
Letter of the Day: Present a word search page that looks like this (no words, just letters)
Display the letter L and tell children they must find all of the L's that are hidden in this paper. When they find each L, have them circle it with a pen.
When all the L’s have been circled, discuss the sound that L makes and ask if they can think of any words that start with this letter.
Demonstrate how it is written and allow them to practice in their writing notebooks.
Teach ASL sign for L as well as the signs for love, lion and laugh.
Introduction to topic: Hold a puppet in one hand and pretend that he is the guest for the day. Introduce the puppet as Larry Lafalot. (laugh a lot)
Mr. Lafalot has come to speak to us about one of his favorite things to do, and we’re all going to be able to ask him some questions!
Follow sample dialogue below, or create your own. (Warning: the following interview is rated ABSAR (A Bit Silly And Ridiculous) but we’re all moms… we’re used to it)
You: We’re so glad you could join us for preschool today Mr. Lafalot. What do you think of it so far?
Mr. L: I think this is going to be lots of fun! What smart lookin boys and girls you have here. (Make individual comments about each one.. cute freckles…big smiles..etc.)
You: They sure are smart. Would you believe they can speak in a different language?
Mr. L: WHAT? I don’t believe it. They can’t be that smart!
You: (Turn to Children) Show Mr. Lafalot sign language for the letter L! Can you show him the sign for Lion? And one more sign, you’re going to like this one Mr. Lafalot. Can you show him the sign for laugh?
Mr. L: (Laugh out loud) I love the word Laugh!!! That’s my most favorite thing to do in the whole world! (Laugh some more)
You: Your most favorite thing in the world is to laugh? It must be pretty fun, if that’s your very most favorite thing! (Turn to children) How many of you like to laugh? Show me! (allow children to demonstrate their best laughs)
Mr. L: (whispering something into your ear)
You: (look at Mr. L) Are you sure you want to do that? I don’t know if the children will like that very much. (Turn to children) Mr. Lafalot is asking me if he can tell you a few jokes….but I don’t know if you would want to hear silly things like that. Would you? (YES!) Are you sure? Wouldn’t you have more fun learning about numbers and letters? (NO!) Okay, if you’re sure. Mr Lafalot, I guess they do want to hear some of your jokes!
Mr. L: I’ve been practicing my favorite jokes all day. Are you ready?
“What do you call it when a cow sings?” (Moo-sic!)
“What kind of cookies do baby monkeys have with their milk?” (Chocolate chimp!)
“ Knock Knock” Who’s there? “Lettuce” (Lettuce who?) Lettuce In!!”
“ Knock knock” (Who’s there?) “Doris!” (Doris Who?)
“Door is open come on in!”
“What do frogs eat with their hamburgers?” (French flies)
(Make sure Mr. L laughs at each of his own jokes)
You: Wow. Mr. L. Your jokes are hilarious. I think I know why you like to laugh so much. It feels good, doesn’t it?
Mr: L: It sure does. In fact laughing is actually very healthy for your body!
You: Healthy? How is laughing healthy for my body?
Mr. L: It’s great exercise for your heart and helps you not feel as tired or as worried about things! It helps you to breathe better, it helps your muscles to relax, and it helps you to get better a lot faster when you’re sick! Laughing is kind of like a big spoon full of medicine!
You: Wow, I thought laughing was just fun. I didn’t know it was good for me too! Well thank you for coming to our class today, for sharing your jokes with us and for teaching us all about laughter! Does anyone have any questions for Mr. L? (allow everyone to come up with a question, then have have them wave goodbye to Mr. Lafalot)
Activity: Gather children into a circle and talk to them about what kind of things make them laugh. (Silly faces, Putting clothes on backwards, Being tickled etc) Discuss importance of being able to laugh at ourselves sometimes when we make mistakes, instead of getting angry or frustrated. Tell them a story from your life when you made a silly mistake and learned to laugh at yourself.
Make it clear that although it’s good to laugh at ourselves sometimes, it’s not okay to laugh at other people when they make mistakes or any other time that it might hurt someone’s feelings. Describe different scenarios and ask children to put their thumb up if they think it’s okay to laugh, or down if they think it’s probably not a good time to laugh.
Pass a pen around (to use as a microphone) and have each child demonstrate a different kind of laugh. (Hohoho, Hehehe , PAAAH! Hmhmhm, Quiet, Loud, giggle, belly laugh, etc.) You may need to give a demonstration so they get an idea of what to do. If you have access to the Mary Poppins soundtrack, (at most libraries) play the I Love to Laugh Song. Explain that everyone has their own unique laugh.
Story: Little Miss Giggles by Roger Hargreaves , Don’t Laugh Joe! By Keiko Kasza
Craft: Help children create their own "Lafalot" puppets using paper lunch bags, socks, buttons, construction paper or whatever you have around the house.
Snack: Jigglers Jello (Point out that it moves like your belly when you laugh!)
Service: Make someone laugh today. Deliver a ‘funny’ basket, full of funny things to be distributed to a random patient at the hospital (we dropped ours off at the front desk of the pediatric unit for them to choose who would benefit from it the most) or someone else you know that might need a little dose of laughter. You may choose to include pictures, cards, jokes, toys, or whatever else you think would tickle someone’s funny bone.
Good bye song: To the tune of “If You’re Happy and you Know it”
If you’ve learned a lot today, clap your hands (clap clap)
Here’s the letter of the day (sign the letter L), clap your hands (clap clap)
Oh, we’ve had a lot of fun,
Now our preschool time is done (tap index finger to wrist)
See you next time (wave) and we’ll do it all again! (Clap clap.)