We've been bonding over the following crafts:
Bean Art
Use Elmer's glue to make a design and top it with any bean or lentil you please.
Create your own puzzles
Use a picture from a magazine (or draw one of your own,) glue it to a side of a cereal box and cut like a puzzle.
Family Chain
Have your child list everyone in your immediate and extended family and write them down on strips of paper, then staple them together. You'll probably both be surprised at how big your family really is!
Paper Magnet People
Draw several different types of body parts as well as clothing items and cut them out. Stick a magnet to the back of each item and have a party on your refrigerator door!
Warning: This one can get a little messy :)
And, yet another use for a cereal box. A suitcase!
Cut and hot-glue the appropriate pieces together. Use an elastic hair thing and a bottle cap to hold the suitcase shut.
That should keep you busy for the week :)
Have fun!